Dr. Shunichi HATTORI, Senior Research Scientist - Grid Innovation Research Laboratory, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI). He received the B.E. degree from Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology in 2005, the M.E. and Dr. Eng. degrees from Tokyo Metropolitan University in 2007 and 2014, respectively. From 2007 to 2009, he worked at Dai Nippon Printing. From 2010 to 2011, he is a research assistant at the Faculty of System Design, Tokyo Metropolitan University. From 2013 to 2015, he is a research fellow for young scientists at the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).
Research Interest
- Data science
- IoT sensor
- Indoor air quality (IAQ)
- Smart meter
Journal Papers
- [Link] , Toshiya Iwamatsu, Teruhisa Miura, Fujio Tsutsumi and Nobuyuki Tanaka, "Investigation of indoor air quality in residential buildings by measuring CO2 concentration and a questionnaire survey," Sensors, Vol. 22, No. 19, 7331, 2022.
- Yu Shirai, [Link] and Yasufumi Takama, "Lifestyle Analysis from Household Electricity Consumption Data," Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 214-220, 2020.
- Yasufumi Takama, Takayuki Yamaguchi and Shunichi Hattori, "Personal Value-based Item Modeling and Its Application to Recommendation with Explanation," Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 867-874, 2016. [Link]
- Yasufumi Takama, Zhongjie Mao and Shunichi Hattori, "Classification of Informative Reviews based on Personal Values," Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 331-339, 2014. [Link]
- Shunichi Hattori and Yasufumi Takama, "Recommender System Employing Personal-value-based User Model," Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 157-165, 2014. [Link]
- Shunichi Hattori and Yasufumi Takama, "Investigation about Applicability of Personal Values for Recommender System," Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 404-411, 2012. [Link]
- Yasufumi Takama, Hiroki Namba, Yoshihiro Iwase, Yuki Muto and Shunichi Hattori, "Concept of Humatronics and Its Application to Human-Robot Communication Support under TV Watching Environment," Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Vol. 12, NO. 6, pp. 494-502, 2008. [Link]
- Yasufumi Takama and Shunichi Hattori, "Mining Association Rules from TV Watching Log for TV Program Recommendation," Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 26-31, 2008. [Link]
- Yasufumi Takama and Shunichi Hattori, "Mining Association Rules for Adaptive Search Engine Based on RDF Technology," IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 54, No. 2, pp. 790-796, 2007. [Link]
- , "In-home Monitor Kit for Insight Discovery in the Residential Sector," IEEE 8th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), 2022.
- [Link] , Teruhisa Miura, Reiko Ichikawa, Daiki Sawai, "In-Home Behavioral Observation Method Employing Internet of Things Sensors for Barrier Investigation of Energy Saving Activities," 13th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence (UCAmI), Vol. 31, No. 1, 31, 2019.
- Shunichi Hattori and Yasushi Shinohara, "Actual Consumption Estimation Algorithm for Occupancy Detection using Low Resolution Smart Meter Data," 6th International Conference on Sensor Networks (SENSORNETS), pp. 39-48, 2017.
- Yasufumi Takama, Ryori Misawa, Yu-Sheng Chen, Shunichi Hattori and Hiroshi Ishikawa, "Proposal of Hybrid Recommender Systems Based on Personal Values-based Collaborative Filtering," The 7th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Industrial Applications (ISCIIA2016), SM-GS3-01, 2016. (Best Paper Award)
- Yasufumi Takama, Ryori Misawa, Yu-Sheng Chen, Shunichi Hattori, Hiroshi Ishikawa, "Improving Performance of Personal Values-based Collaborative Filtering Based on Hybrid Approach," Workshop on Community-centric Systems as Interdisciplinary Study, The 9th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (ICIRA2016), 2016.
- Takayuki Yamaguchi, Shunichi Hattori and Yasufumi Takama, "Proposal of Personal-value-based Item Modeling and Its Application to Explanation of Recommendation," 2015 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI2015), pp. 58-63, 2015.
- Shunichi Hattori, "Occupancy Detection Using Electricity Consumption Data from Smart Meter," 2016 East Asia Electric Technology Research Workshop, 2016.
- Shunichi Hattori and Yasufumi Takama, "Personal-value-based Recommender System," The First Joint International Symposium on ICT & Robot Informatics, 2014. (Best Poster Award)
- Shunichi Hattori and Yasufumi Takama, "Consideration about Applicability of Recommender System Employing Personal-value-based User Model," 2013 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI2013), pp. 282-287, 2013.
- Shunichi Hattori and Yasufumi Takama, "Proposal of User Modeling Method Employing Reputation Analysis on User Reviews Based on Personal Values," The 27th Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI2013), 1A3-IOS-3a-4, 2013.
- Shunichi Hattori and Yasufumi Takama, "User and Item Modeling Methods Using Customer Reviews towards Recommender System Based on Personal Values," 2012 International Workshop on Intelligent Web Interaction (IWI-2012), S3204, 2012.
- Zhongjie Mao, Shunichi Hattori and Yasufumi Takama, "Analysis of Online Reviews for Evaluating Informative Reviews," The 6th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and The 13th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS&ISIS2012), W2-44-2, 2012.
- Shunichi Hattori, Zhongjie Mao and Yasufumi Takama, "Proposal of User Modeling Method and Recommender System based on Personal Values," The 6th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and The 13th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS&ISIS2012), F3-45-3, 2012. (Best Student Presentation Award)
- Yasufumi Takama, Shunichi Hattori and Ryosuke Miyake, "Read Article Management in Document Search Process for NTCIR-9 VisEx Task," The 9th NTCIR Workshop Meeting, pp. 547-552, 2011.
- Shunichi Hattori and Yasufumi Takama, "Investigation about Relation between Preference and Personal Values for Recommender System," IFSA World Congress and AFSS International Conference 2011, FD-104-1-FD-104-6, 2011.
- Shunichi Hattori, Yoshihiro Iwase, Yuki Muto and Yasufumi Takama, "Mining Association Rules for User Preference Mining from TV Watching Log and Social Bookmarks," 2nd International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Industrial Applications (ISCIIA'2006), TAID-3, 2006.
- Yuki Muto, Yoshihiro Iwase, Shunichi Hattori, Kaoru Hirota and Yasufumi Takama, "Web Intelligence Approach for Human Robot Communication under TV Watching Environment," Joint 3rd International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 7th International Symposium on advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS&ISIS2006), pp.426-429, 2006.
- Shunichi Hattori, Yoshihiro Iwase, Yuki Muto and Yasufumi Takama, "Application of Association Rules to User Preference Mining from TV Watching Log and Social Bookmarks," Joint 3rd International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 7th International Symposium on advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS&ISIS 2006), pp.430-433, 2006.
- Shunichi Hattori and Yasufumi Takama, "Web Information Repository Employing Adaptive Hybrid Search Engine Based on Metadata," Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (InTech'05), pp. 97-101, 2005.